Monday, February 2, 2009

it is said give and you will recieve. this is true :)
i and many of my friends give of our love and protection to those we meet online now

to protect each other and above all, i protect the innocents, as do so many believers

through this sharing does the cherry tree send out seeds among the disheartened masses, through our love the love of the all, whichever name you choose to call whom you worship, our higher being. i choose to call this being 'all' now. through our love and commitment to loving and protecting those in danger, we so feed the cherry tree of life, love, and life :)

and we share our love of 'the all', in these acts :*

of all of the gifts that one can recieve from the all, none even comes close to the gift of love, which many of us have boundless amounts.
i thank the all for this gift, and i will spread the seed of his love to all whom i can touch in any way :)

there are so many ways in which we can use this blessing. i used to council people online who would seek me out, i would know when they were contemplating ending their lives. i would stay up all night chatting with them, so they ended up fine, and far too tired to do such a thing :D
i do these things online and offline

selah, oh all, i thank you for the blessing that you have given to me, and to so many others :)

rejoice! for it is real and true and most wondrous :*

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