Monday, February 2, 2009

i reread the tao te ching by lao tsu this morning. i had a sleepless night.

here are some of the things i wanted to mention to you from it:

The virtue of the natural way is that all things are born of it; it nourishes and comforts them; develops, shelters and cares for them, protecting them from harm.By acting with no thought of self-advancement, but with self-restraint, it is possible to lead, and genuinely care for others. This happens by acting virtuously, and leaving nothing to be done.

A great country remains receptive and still, as does a rich and fertile land.The gentle overcomes the strong with stillness and receptivity. The source of all things is in the Tao. It is a treasure for the good, and a refuge for all in need.

Whilst praise can buy titles, good deeds gain respect.Act without contriving; work naturally, and taste the tasteless; magnify the small; increase the few, and reward bitterness with care. Seek the simple in the complex, and achieve greatness in small things. It is the way of nature that even difficult things are done with ease, and great acts made up of smaller deeds.

The sage achieves greatness by small deeds multiplied.Those who follow the natural way are different from others in three respects. They have great mercy and economy, and the courage not to compete. From mercy there comes courage; from economy, generosity; and from humility, willingness to lead from behind.

It is the way of sickness to shun the merciful, and to acclaim only heroic deeds, to abandon economy, and to be selfish.

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